Delivery & Returns


It is possible to cancel your order if it hasn’t been sent. Contact us on and we will help you. If your order has been sent, you will have to return the products in order to receive a refund. The freight for your return will not be refunded. It is not possible to change your order once it has been submitted. This also includes changing the size or color of a product, removing an item, changing the delivery address or payment method.

Delivery Time

Europe 2-8 working days.
Remaining destinations 5-15 working days.

You can have your package delivered to your work address if this is more convenient for you. This should just be included as Delivery Address. Please note that it is not possible to make a delivery to a PO box.

The freight charge depends on your delivery address.

Returns Policy

We want all our customers to receive high quality products. If there is something wrong with the product you have received or if your delivery is not matching to your order (wrong product or if a product is missing), please contact our customer service at If you send us a mail, please include as many details as possible including your order number as well as a picture if there is something wrong with one of the products.

If you are not completely satisfied with your product, simply return the unused product(s) in its original unbroken packaging within 14 days of receipt for a refund.

When we receive the product, we will refund the value of the purchased the product, but not the original freight.

All products must be returned in their original packaging with all enclosed documentation and the packaging cannot be broken or in any other way damaged – neither can the product. Otherwise it will not be possible to obtain a refund.

You must pay for the freight to return the goods and this must also be arranged by yourself. The goods are your responsibility until they reach our warehouse. Please ensure you pack the return safely to prevent any damage to the products.

How to return a product

Please note that when you return a product it is very important to state the order number as well as your name and address. Without these details we will not be able to process your refund. Furthermore, a detailed description of the problem is necessary – if you have a claim.

Return address

AAAA Return c/o E-fulfilment Shop
Schillingstraat 7
2988 CT Ridderkerk

It can take up to 14 days for us to receive your return, depending on which postal service you use. Once we have received the returned products, we will inspect them and process the refund within 48 hours.